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Fan Art

In the summer of 2018, Kelly Blanchard hosted her first Fan Contest for her fans. For the chance to win one of the four paperback versions of her short story novellas, they had to submit fan art related to the Chronicles of Lorrek. Here are the results. 

By: Kayla Matt

Kayla Matt took a portion of the second chapter of 'Someday I'll Be Redeemed' and turned it into a graphic novel. Click on the image or HERE to read what she created. 


Double Blind

By: Leslie Conzatti

Leslie Conzatti wrote a fan fiction piece that takes place between 'I Still Have a Soul' and 'I'm Still Alive'. It focuses on Ceras as she solidifies her power in Jechorm and some of the struggles she has to face. To read it, click HERE.


By: Megan Hay

Megan Hay wrote a small fan fiction piece that takes place between 'Someday I'll Be Redeemed' and 'I Still Have a Soul' when Lorrek is unconscious and someone is watching him. To read it, click HERE.



By: Aud Simmons

Aud Simmons submitted this piece of artwork of what she imagined Lorrek would look like, especially with more Jechorian clothes. 

Chibi Lorrek

By: Jessica Elaine

Jessica Elaine drew this adorable picture of Lorrek! Just so cute! Here he contemplates what he observes in the Field of Statues in Serhon.


Therina in Dragon Eye

By: A. R. Harlow

A. R. Harlow submitted this artwork of Therina in the eye of the Anicent Dragon, Rodkinthereldiss, in 'You Left Me No Choice'.

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